The 4/4 represents 4 panels each of 2 colors. Each panel opposes it's same color.


The QuadFly, technically the 2/2/2/2 is a 4 color ball which is 2 panels each of 4 colors.

The SuperFly is a 3 color ball with the primary color being 4 panels of the same color and 2 panels each of 2 colors. Noted as 4/2/2

The SuperFly V2 is also a 3 color ball with the primary color being 4 panels of the same color and 2 panels each of 2 colors, except for 2 panels of the primary color are sewn together as well as the other 2 panels of the primary color (on the back side). This ball is noted as 25/2/25/2. The 25 notes 25% and the 2 refers to 2 panels. - Juggle Cloud Logo shown.

The 50/2/2 is 50%, (4 panels) of the primary color and 2 panels each of 2 colors.