Order Info
The queue of pending orders is approximately 4-6 weeks, or less - from your order date. These times are subject to change due to possible influx of orders coming in.
Some sets of ballz are in stock and they will ship within 1-2 days unless we are out of town at a juggling festival. In that case, the in-stock ballz will ship as soon as we return. All balls are manufactured by Gballz especially for you. Therefore, balls CAN NOT be returned or exchanged. If your order has been started you can not cancel the order. Canceled orders before production will be subject to a $15 fee because we can not recover processing fees that are charged to us. Orders are made in turn as they are received. Delivery times vary depending on the amount of other pending orders.
If you choose "2 day shipping" this does not mean that you can skip the line and have your custom order done that day and shipped.